Welcome to Psytech New Zealand
If you are looking for world class psychometrics solutions supported by exceptional local service, at affordable cost, then you’re at the right place.
Our story
Psytech was an early psychometrics pioneer in New Zealand, established over two decades ago. We have a proud track record of serving over 300 New Zealand clients, ranging from small businesses to major commercial and government organisations. We are now growing rapidly to become the leading psychometrics company in New Zealand.
We think global and act local
While we’re a global leader in psychometric testing, our success is based on local relationships, thinking and adapting our services to optimally meet clients’ needs. We have the enormous benefit of accessing Psytech International’s leading-edge technology & product developments, and applying them to local reality. The depth of our New Zealand norm data is unrivalled by any competitor and reflects our long-term presence in the country. We treasure our strong local client relationships and offer exceptional service levels.
We are privately owned
This means we have the autonomy to serve our clients in the best possible way. A huge benefit of private ownership is being free to set our own pricing levels and systems. We have no crazy corporate directives to increase pricing and profitability to comply with. This has enabled us to offer clients an ongoing and unbeatable value proposition. Another great benefit is that we are free to customise our products and services to satisfy local client needs, which happens on a regular basis. Other benefits include the flexibility to rapidly change any business operations that will enhance our client experience.
A major change
A major change took place in in the distribution of Psytech products in 2020. Psytech products were originally distributed in New Zealand by OPRA Group. We were sorry to see the end of a successful partnership that lasted over 20 years.
A positive outcome was the formation of a new company called Psytech New Zealand Ltd with exclusive Psytech product distribution rights. Psytech also has also has non-exclusive distribution rights for Podium products.
Welcome to the new Psytech New Zealand era
Psytech New Zealand has entered an exciting new era of inspiring rapid growth, innovation and absolute client centricity. Shareholders are Laurence Paltiel, Founder and Managing Director of Psytech International and Ron McLuckie, Managing Partner of Psytech New Zealand. Our driving force is to provide quality psychometric solutions at affordable cost, supported by exceptional client service.
We have already introduced many new initiatives that give clients an unbeatable value proposition supported by service levels that we believe will delight them.
We look forward to partnering with our clients to create successful new futures.
It is our pleasure and privilege to serve you.
Ron McLuckie
Managing Partner
Psytech New Zealand